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Showing posts with the label in network providers

In or Out of Network? Primary Care of Specialist? HMO or PPO?

 Throughout your life, you will change insurance carriers many times. Sometimes you lose or gain eligibility due to a career change. You may age into Medicare eligibility, you may marry or divorce, may choose to join a plan on the Healthcare Exchange, or may become disabled and eligible for your state's Medicaid or Social Security benefits. Depending on the type of insurance, you may be able to change your plan every year, or you may have to wait until you have a qualifying life event.  Each time your benefits change, you are faced with the same series of questions and considerations. Is your regular physician in your new network? Do you need to get a new referral to continue to see your allergist or cardiologist? Will your deductible be higher or lower? Are your medications still covered? What is your new copay for regular visits? Can you go to the emergency room if if it's necessary?  First it's necessary to understand the difference between an in-network provider (INN)...